Midnight Mass Prayers

Midnight Mass Prayersorshipers attending Christmas Eve Mass or watching Midnight Mass online are attentive to listen to the Christmas prayers and messages given by the Pope or Priest celebrating the Mass.

Midnight Mass prayers normally center on children who are less fortunate, ill treated, deprived of parental love, displaced during war or abused in various ways. The Pope also prays for special blessings for families, cities and the world.

Back in 2014, Pope Francis prayed that the salvation of the infant Jesus was to go to all children who suffer. In 2017, he asked the faithful to remember the plight of migrants driven from their land and in 2018 he prayed for the love of Christ, Who is the bread of life, to be upon him so he too can be broken for the world.

The Pope encourages Christians and others to be modest, simple, balanced, consistent and pursue a life of compassion and mercy drawn daily from the wellspring of prayer. They are to simplify their lives so they can share with others, especially during Christmas.

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